Kweikuma Cultural Group Set For World Tour

Kweikuma Cultural Group, a well-known traditional music and dance group, has announced its intentions to tour the United States in July this year in an effort to expose traditional music and dance to new audiences.

The group has promised, as always, to electrify the USA fans with performances that highlight the richness, beauty, and diversity of traditional African dance.

The group will also play in Indonesia in August, London in October and back to the USA to finish it off in December.

The tour dates according to the management of the group, will be announced later as the group are still in talks with promoters to seal the deals.

The tour’s goals are to bring important stakeholders together to support the cause of Ghanaian cultural music and dance, as well as to market and promote the genre in those nations.

With stunning and captivating performances, the group is likely to astound cultural music and dance enthusiasts in those nations. Throughout the tour, the group will also present a number of dance compositions.

The members of the group have been practicing for their upcoming grueling tour, which will allow them to once again showcase their amazing blend of dance, music, and acrobatics, for the previous few weeks.

The group has created a sound that is uniquely their own, utilizing a range of traditional African instruments such the Atenteben, Dondo, and Fontomfrom drums.

The repertoire of the strongly culturally embedded Kweikuma Cultural Group performed in a number of Ghanaian languages, including Twi and Ga, in addition to snippets of other African languages.

In addition to playing catchy African beats, the group’s dancers are known for their complex routines, which give their live performances extra glitz and flare.

“We are culturally distinct in both look and production overall. We think that visitors to our events in the USA, London, and Indonesia would gain amazing insights into Ghanaian and African culture as a result,” the group said.