Leaders Take Initiative

The Art of Leadership


Imagine a leader who takes no initiative. Can you guess what will happen? What does it mean to take initiative? When a person takes the initiative, he takes the first step and, therefore, controls what happens thereafter. All those who have succeeded have initiated actions and moved forward aggressively.


So Gideon and the hundred men that were with him, came unto the outside of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch; and they had but newly set the watch: and they blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers that were in their hands.

And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

And they stood every man in his place round about the camp: and ALL THE HOST RAN, AND CRIED, AND FLED

Judges 7:19-21

The story of Gideon attacking the Midianites and Amalekites is a good example of how taking initiative confuses the opponent and gives you the upper hand.

A good leader must take the initiative by being decisive and aggressive. This surprises the enemy and enables you to continuously retain the upper hand in a conflict. Taking the initiative is the practical way in which a person seeks to gain advantage and sustain the momentum of a war.

Defenders are often the losers! It is not easy, practical or possible to defend yourself for a long time. After a while, a mistake here and there will lead to your destruction. When you are a defender, a single mistake can cost you everything, whereas the attacker can afford to make several mistakes.

In the ministry, it is important to take the initiative and not wait to defend yourself against obvious losses. You must know that the church will decline naturally if no offensive action is taken. Instead of waiting for the church to start reducing in size, it is better to take the initiative by aggressively and continuously inviting many people to the church and leading many to Christ.

Do you want to only have funerals in your church? Instead of waiting for your church to be occupied only by the elderly and dying, you must initiate your outreaches to younger people now. When are you going to become an aggressive evangelist? Are you going to wait for your church to be empty? Remember that defenders are often the losers!

 Hannibal’s Initiative

Hannibal was a famous military commander of the ancient nation of Carthage (now Tunisia). Hannibal was famous for a number of wars that he led. The world super power in Hannibal’s day was the Roman Empire. Hannibal, an African, is famous for having challenged the Romans in their own country for several years. Hannibal moved a force from Africa, through Spain, and across the Italian mountains and into Italy.

When Hannibal arrived in Italy, he fought several wars, advancing right up to the gates of Rome. Although he never invaded the city of Rome itself, he defeated the Romans soundly and memorably on a number of occasions; at the Trebia River, at Trasimene and at Cannae. Each of these battles gave Hannibal the reputation of being one of the greatest ever-military leaders.

In the battle at the Trebbia River, Hannibal’s forces were on one side of the river and the entire Roman army was on the other side. Hannibal took the initiative by enticing the Roman army to come across the river and attack him. Hannibal did this by sending a small force to harass the Roman camp that was across the river.

The Roman commander fell into the trap and decided to send his forces across the river. This was a very bad decision because it was icy-cold and it was snowing. The Roman soldiers had not eaten and they were also tired. The river was freezing cold and these soldiers had to wade through breast-high icy cold water. By the time the Roman army came out of the water, they were frozen and unable to even hold their weapons. They were in no shape to fight with the well-prepared forces of Hannibal who had eaten, rested and had been warming themselves by the fire. Needles to say, the Roman army was soundly defeated at the Trebia River. This was because Hannibal took the initiative to attack first and make his enemy make a mistake.

This is the whole point about taking the initiative. A leader must move first! A leader must not wait until the crisis or problem is well developed. A leader must take the initiative and make a move! When you take the initiative, you force the opponent to panic and his reactions often help you to overcome him. Be a good leader – take the initiative!


By Dag Heward-Mills