Let’s Forgive Hon. Adwoa Safo, But…!

Sarah Adwoa Safo


“How the mighty have fallen” is a phrase used to imply the fall from grace to grass. In other words, it shows the decline of a once-great person or entity. That is exactly my sentiments as I write today’s piece.

She used to be one of my favourite politicians. Indeed, many admired her eloquence, grace, sassiness and panache. Even her political opponents were compelled to express their admiration for her because they could hardly find any negatives about her.

Yes, you guessed right! Hon. Sarah Adwoa-Sarfo is the politician I refer to.

It therefore became a shock to many when she started playing hide and seek with her own government and majority caucus in the House of Honourables.

Her indiscretion caused the Nana Dee government a lot of negative press as her absence ensured a delay in the government passing the E-Levy bill.

Need I remind Abusuapanin how the Minority polluted the minds of our compatriots on the supposed ills of the E-Levy Bill. Of course, the Zu-Za bad press contributed greatly to the failure of the tax regime to generate even 30% of the projected revenue.

Many, within and without the Elephant fraternity, called on President Nana Dee to give her a wild kick on the butt for abandoning her Gender Ministry and playing hide and seek in the House of Honourables. It took very long for President Nana Dee to crack the whip.

I don’t exactly remember what I was doing that fateful Thursday on July 28, 2022, but I remember being excited when I read the news of her sack on the Facebook page of Eugene Arhin, the Director of Communications at the Presidency.

Many of my compatriots were not excited about the president’s action because it was long overdue. The delay in taking the necessary action made it seem as if President Nana Dee was indecisive. Perhaps, he was!

Fast forward to September 14, 2023: Hon. Sarah Adwoa-Safo released a video apologising to the President, her party leadership, Majority Caucus and the party supporters at large. I was touched and nearly shed tears as I watched the video.

But upon second thought, I could not help wondering if her apology was indeed a sincere one. Why did she wait for too long to apologise? Why now? Or is it because of the imminent parliamentary contest in the Elephant fraternity? Those were the questions that kept ringing in my medulla.

Did I hear you ask about my take on her apology? Of course, her apology should be accepted by the party. She should be allowed to participate in the internal contest in the Dome-Kwabenya Constituency, if she so desires.

But it would be the height of foolhardiness if the party makes the mistake of choosing her for the crucial 2024 polls. Whatever goodwill Hon. Adwoa-Safo had has been completely eroded in the hearts and minds of her constituents. So she lacks the moral right to ask for their mandate again.

An MP of the ruling party being in cahoot with the opposition and diabolically frustrating government business in parliament with the main intention of holding the party to ransom cannot be allowed to repeat itself. An MP becoming a TikTok star and taunting her own government cannot be allowed to rear its ugly head again.

Yes, let’s forgive Hon. Adwoa- Safo for her indiscretions. But we cannot forget her iniquities because they serve as a guide for the future.

As the sages say, “A man battling diarrhoea is not shown the direction to the toilet by a stammerer.” It’s my prayer that those riding on the Elephant are guided by the wise words above.

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!