Let’s Show Love To The Vulnerable – Methodist Bishop

Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, Ghana, Most Reverend Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, has urged the public to remember the vulnerable and those in need during the Christmas celebration.

Most Reverend Boafo, in his annual Christmas and New Year message, said Christmas is a time to show love just as God did by giving us Christ.

“It is a time of love, and a time God reconciles with us. As Ghanaians we also learn from this experience that we will also give to the people around us, more especially the vulnerable, those who are in need and want.”

He said 2022 has been an eventful year with a lot of challenges, hardships, and difficulties; one in which workers faced difficulties to the point that, “as a nation we had to go to IMF for a bailout.”

That notwithstanding, Rev. Dr. Boafo said Christians and individuals alike have every cause to thank God for life, the government, the leaders and how far God has brought the country.

He said when the world was living in a hopeless situation and full of doubt and fears, God brought a message of hope for the world through his son Jesus Christ.

“This is the same message of hope and peace for us in our year as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This Christmas and the New Year ahead, Ghanaians, families, and institutions will experience this hope that the Christ child brings to our world,” he adds.

He acknowledged that some people may be in doubt, fear and anxiety for the coming year but he prayed that they will experience the peace of God in their hearts.

“May we come to terms with this message and as Ghanaians and as a people understand that this God will visit us this year and will grant us peaceful year,” he said.

“I pray that all Ghanaians will come to experience this love in political parties, churches, homes and traditional areas even as we travel home to family and friends in this celebration and hope, love and peace will come into our lives as we look forward into the New Year, 2023,” he added.

By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri
