Lydia Asibi Kaba
Lydia Asibi Kaba is out with an educative and danceable gospel album titled ‘Nhyira.’
Fused with good traditional rhythms and danceable beats, the album has a lot of inspirational songs to soothe the soul of every gospel lover.
The title track of the album, according to the gospel artiste, talks of the need for one to keep in touch with God. In the song, she sends a message, urging everyone to praise God always and be thankful to Him at all times.
Lydia Asibi added that her latest album which was recorded at the Rhythm of Africa and Gaza Studios will be launched in April this year.
Her second album is made up of praise and worship songs, and the creativity in the compositions of her songs is also commendable.
Some of the songs on the yet-to-be released album include ‘Nhyira’, ‘Adom Jesus’, ‘Aseda’, among others.
Known for her mid-tempo gospel flair, Lydia has performed on a number of platforms to entertain gospel music fans.