Meningitis Kills K’dua Sectech Student

Matthew Opoku Prempeh

YAW DENIS, a 17-year-old Form Two student of Koforidua Secondary Technical School (SECTECH) in the Eastern Region, has been reported dead; and the cause is said to be meningitis.

The incident has caused fear and panic among the students because of similar incidents that occurred at the Kumasi Academy (KUMACA).

Yaw Denis died Friday morning after a brief admission at the Koforidua Regional Hospital.

The uncle of the deceased, Dr. Edwin Okoampa Boadu, said on Kasapa Fm that he got to know of the condition of his nephew on Friday but received the bad news of his death upon arrival at the hospital.

According to him, he quickly went to the school to inform the authorities about the cause of death to enable them take proactive steps.

“We went to the school to let them know what has happened because we were told in the hospital that it is this ongoing virus – meningitis m-   that has killed the boy so we quickly went to the institution to inform the authorities that with this situation they should quickly create awareness for the students,” Mr Boadu claimed.

Yaw Denis, as gathered, complained to his friends of severe fever and body weakness about a week ago, after he had taken part in the school’s 50th anniversary float; but his condition reportedly worsened and later complained of stiff neck.

Headmaster of the school, Samuel Ofori, also confirmed that

“the student was admitted at the hospital after complaining of an ailment but I was informed about his death early last Friday morning.”

Mr. Ofori said that the school was yet to contact the hospital to ascertain the cause of death and urged parents and guardians to exercise restraint.

FROM Daniel Bampoe, Koforidua
