Methodist Church Ghana Ordains 67 Ministers



The Methodist Church, Ghana has ordained 67 ministers to become fully fledged ministers of the church.

The ordination service was held at the St. Luke Methodist Cathedral, Akyem Oda during the 12th Biannual Expanded General Purpose Council.

Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church, Ghana, Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, speaking with the media at the ceremony said the ministers have gone through six years of ministerial probation after which they have been accepted as fully fledged ministers within the Methodist Church Ghana.

“That is why there is what we call ordination and by ordination, it is through the imposition of hand and prayers that is why you saw that the bishops, including myself, the presiding, we put our hands on them to ask for the Holy Spirit to descend on them and to equip them,” he said.

The Presiding Bishop said the ordination proves that the ministers have responded to the call of God and they can now go out and minister to the people.

He, however, indicated that the ministers will discharge their duties it with all the professional ethics that go with ministry.

“The scripture says people who take up the work of God must be people who can manage even their homes well and so we have tested them and we have seen that they can go out and represent God and the church,” he said.

He explained that after ordination, the full fledge ministers will be posted to the Methodist church in various parts of the country to serve.

“They will still also go through annual orientation, workshops, so we will meet in what we call fellowship of the kingdom, there we will all take some tutorials and see how do we set ministry within the context in which we live,”
he said.


By Jamila Akweley Okertchiri