Midland Incident Not Internet Failure – Humanity Magazine

Yahaya Alhassan

The Chief Executive Officer of the Humanity Magazine International Yahaya Alhassan has praised the efficiency and professionalism of K.NET  for business enhancement and economic growth of Ghana.

Speaking in a press conference in Accra recently, he  said as a businessman he is very worried about the  Midland Savings and Loans saga.

He stated that attributing the financial institution inability to pay embattled Patience Osafo her money to internet provided  by K.NET  is not true

He stressed  that  K-NET as a telecom service provider  has laid down means of reporting systems downtime and poor service which includes e-mails, WhatsApp and phone calls 24 hours a day.

The Humanity Magazine CEO indicated that there was nothing of such report to  the renowned internet institution, adding that the woman has been going there for  many days to retrieve her money  why didn’t Midland  contact the internet provider to swiftly solve the problem?  Alhassan asked.

He added that  the K.NET live monitoring did not indicate a downtime or slow connectivity of service to Midland.

Meanwhile, Alhassan who act as the Project Director for the ambassador Bridgewater Project to provide future and welfare to needy girls through training, protection, advocacy, etc said Ghanaian should not be happy  for the recorded  and jailing of Lance Corporal   Godzi Frederick Amanor saying, “There are many of more such brutal but severe beatings of our girls and women by abusive men behind the scenes  which are unrecorded.”

He called on the related institutions to wake up and protect our precious mothers and sisters noting that the Kumasi Kejetia Kayayei Center at the heart of the Kejetia Market has a unit for all women to channel all forms of abuse to appropriate authorities due to the inaction of the system.
