Mob Attacks Suspected Kidnapper

The damaged windscreen of the Police vehicles

But for the timely intervention of the queen mother of Diabene in the Essikado-Ketan Constituency of the Western Region, a 41-year-old man, who was suspected to be a kidnapper, would have been lynched by a mob in the area.

According to some residents, Abu Shaibu, who is said to suffering from mental disorder, attempted to kidnap a 12-year-old boy in the area.

He was reportedly arrested by some residents and subjected to severe beatings.

DAILY GUIDE gathered that when the queen mother of Diabene, Nana Aba Esuon heard the news she quickly asked some people to go and rescue the 41-year-old man and convey him to the palace.

Eyewitnesses indicated that after the suspect had entered the palace, the mob besieged the forecourt of the palace and demanded the release of the man.

Mob Smashes Police Vehicle

They indicated that the queen mother called in the police to help disperse the crowd when most residents were converging on the chief’s palace.

However, the people did not heed the calls of the police to disperse.

The eyewitnesses mentioned that the police managed to whisk the suspected kidnapper into their vehicle.

“But as they were moving, the angry residents smashed the windscreens of the police vehicle with stones and other objects.”


Confirming the story to DAILY GUIDE, DSP Olivia Ewubena Adiku, Western Regional Police Public Relations Officer (PRO), explained that police personnel were dispatched to the area following a distress call.

She said that the police spent hours in trying to disperse the crowd that wanted to lynch the suspected kidnapper.

DSP Adiku added that police reinforcement had to be called to maintain law and order in the area.

“No police man was attacked but the residents smashed the windscreens of the vehicle and also damaged the front seat and bucket of the police pickup,” she indicated.

She continued “we have to really investigate to know whether indeed it was a false alarm or the gentleman intended to kidnap the girl.”

When asked whether the suspect was suffering from mental disorder, DSP Adiku told the paper that an examination would be carried out to determine his mental state.

She revealed that the suspect had been granted bail while investigation into the case continues.

The Police PRO advised the residents to desist from meting out instant justice to suspects, adding “if we are not careful we will end up killing innocent people.”


Parents of the suspect, who later identified the suspect at the police station, indicated that he was mentally ill.

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi 
