Mr Beautiful Rejects ‘Arrogant’ Tag

Popular comedy actor now turned politician, Clement Boney, mostly known as Mr Beautiful, has expressed regret over how he managed himself on a recent radio interview which portrayed him as an arrogant person.

The actor during a telephone interview Peace FM Entertainment Review last Saturday was heard telling the host that he would truncate the conversation and true to his word, the actor truncated the phone call midway into the interview.

The development attracted harsh criticisms from several listeners who called into the show, with most of them describing the actor as someone who has become arrogant because of his closeness to the corridors of political power.

A section on a panel of discussants on the show also condemned the actor for truncating the call midway into the interview.

Mr Beautiful has, however, explained that although it is true he truncated the phone call, it was not done out of arrogance but rather an arrangement between himself and the producer of the show.

“When the producer called me, I explained to him that I was very busy doing something with a big man and the person could come to the car anytime so if that happened, I may have to end the conversation. Midway into the conversation, the person came and it would be disrespectful to continue the interview in the presence of the person, so I had to end the conversation.

“I was not arrogant and it is not my nature to be disrespectful but I had to end the conversation because I had already done such an arrangement with the producer. Maybe, it was a bad decision and I regret how it has been interpreted and seen as an act of arrogance,” Mr Beautiful told NEWS-ONE.

When NEWS-ONE called the production team of Entertainment Review to verify what Mr Beautiful had said, the head of production, Eugene Osafo-Nkansah, gave a rather different narration.

“The host, AK, was interviewing Mr Beautiful on one end of the line and Paul Gee at the other end of the line and Mr Beautiful was the first person to speak about why he was describing Paul Gee as an ignorant person. Then when Paul Gee was speaking, Mr Beautiful said if that was the way the conversation would go, he would cut the line and truly to his threat, he cut the line immediately.

“We tried calling him back but he won’t pick. Anyone who listened to the interview heard what happened and the tapes are there to prove it. If he has regretted his actions, he should say so in plain language and stop an attempt to blame the producers of the show,” Mr Osafo-Nkansah said.