Mr. Canadian, We Told You So!

I hate telling people in distress “I told you so.” But the truth of the matter is that it is the most suitable expression to use in reminding people of their hard headedness. Indeed, we did caution Mr. Canadian MP that he was treading on a very slippery path, didn’t we?

Well, the Supreme Court has by a majority decision of 5:2 granted the motion seeking to stop Mr. Canadian MP from holding himself as the Member of Parliament for Assin North. Simply put, Mr. Canadian MP no longer represents the people of Assin North in Parliament.

We all saw it coming because the inscription on the wall was very bold. Any objective observer could easily tell that Mr. Canadian MP was being used by his party folks. Yes, they succeeded in capturing the speakership seat by gambling on his freedom. So he should dance to the tune he paid the piper to dish out.

Time and again, we are told Mr. Canadian MP should not be blamed because his renunciation documents got delayed by the Canadian authorities because of COVID-19. Laughable, isn’t it?

Zu-za knew that it was under no obligation to field him as its candidate in Assin North when it became obvious that he was ineligible to contest as MP. Again, did the party not have other candidates who could represent it in the constituency when it was clear that its preferred candidate did not have the full complement of the required documents to make him eligible to contest?

By the way, is it a fact that Mr. Canadian MP was disqualified by his party on the grounds of owing allegiance to another country other than Asomdwekrom when he tried to contest its primaries in 2012 and 2016?  If yes, then why did he wait until the year 2020 to begin the renunciation process? Obviously, he wasn’t sure of being chosen as his party’s candidate, hence the hesitation to sever ties with Canada due to the benefits he was getting as a citizen of the North American country.

Abusuapanin, the post-Supreme Court judgment tantrums from the Zu-za camp is as comical as it is hypocritical. Soon after the judgment, Mr. Dead-Goat was heard questioning why Assin North should be denied representation in the House of Honourables. That was very hypocritical, since it was under his reign that Bawku Central was denied same when its MP, Adamu Sakande, was removed from the House of Honourables and subsequently incarcerated.

Edudzi Tamakloe was also on radio ranting that the Nana Dee government was on a political vendetta. His evidence is that the Attorney General, Godfred Dame, had said the fate of Adamu Sakande would befall Mr. Canadian MP.

Of course Godfred Dame only stated the obvious. The first fate of being removed from the House of Honourables has come to pass. It is only a matter of time that the second, which is incarceration, will also become a reality.

Some of us advised Mr. Canadian MP to wisely lick his wounds and hang his political boots to avoid prosecution. But he allowed his party folks to deceive him into fighting to regain his lost seat. The only obvious result is the re-enactment of Adamu Sakande’s sad end.

I feel nothing but pity for Mr. Canadian MP, because he is under the illusion that Lawyer Ant has the magic wand to save him. Lawyer Ant may use his legal antics to delay the process, but it is doubtful if he can remove the chestnut out of the blazing fire.

Maybe, Mr. Canadian MP believes in the strength of his case. But is it not foolhardiness to continue fighting a lost cause? He is still emboldened by the noises from his party folks. He will only come to the bitter realisation when he is alone in his prison cell. Then would he realise how foolish he had been!

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!




