Ms Geek Ghana 2024 Competition Launched

Dignitaries at the event


The Minister for Communications and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, in partnership with the Ministry of Information has launched the Ms Geek Ghana 2024 Competition to help young women generate more ideas and skills to solve problems through technology.

Ms Geek is a research and entrepreneurship competition which originated from Rwanda in 2014 to promote and encourage young women between the ages of 13 and 25 years to solve the continent’s challenges through technology innovations.

According to Mrs. Owusu-Ekuful, the launch of the Ms Geek Competition seeks to discover the innovative talents in young girls and help them generate ideas in solving contemporary challenges through the use of ICT solutions.

She said, “We know that there are many young girls out there who have more brilliant ideas, so when we support them, they can win the competition in Ghana and go on to even win international competitions as well.”

“So we have launched the Ms Geek Ghana today, to unearth many of these innovative ideas, it may be simple but they can have far-reaching implications for all of us,” she added.

Mrs. Owusu-Ekuful encouraged the young girls to look up to Ms. Selasi Domi-Kuwornu, a young lady who won Ms Geek Africa 2023 for Ghana because of the useful solutions she implemented to solve mobile money fraud and providing mobile money access for the illiterates and physically challenged in the country.

She encouraged the young girls to empower themselves and bring out their innovative ideas, put in their best, and see how far they can go.

Madam Owusu-Ekuful has extended the date for registration (from June 18 to July 18) for young girls between 13 and 21 years to represent Ghana at Ms Geek Africa.


By Janet Odei Amponsah