MTN Bemoans Fibre Optic Cable Cuts

Charles Osei Akoto


FIBRE OPTIC cable cuts continue to be a major problem that interrupts the operations of telecommunication company, MTN Ghana, in the Ashanti Region where a total of 471 fibre optic cable cuts have been recorded since the beginning of the year.

However, only 38 out of the 471 fibre optic cable cuts have affected the customers or subscribers due to the efforts made by the company’s staff to undertake better repair works.

Fibre optic cable cuts destroy telecoms infrastructure which adversely affects efficient and effective digital services rendered by the company to its customers.

Speaking at this year’s MTN Editors’ Forum in Kumasi, Senior Manager, Regional Technical Head for Northern Sector, Charles Osei Akoto, said the destruction of the cables disrupts his outfit’s services to its customers.

He blamed the situation on road constructions, building of fuel stations, and construction of drainage systems among other factors.

“The challenge we have is that we lay the cables alright but what happens is that people working on the roadsides tend to cut the cables. And when they cut them, they isolate all the poles from the switch. Therefore, people who use the poles at various locations can no longer use it,” he said.

Mr.  Osei Akoto, therefore, called for public support in the fight against the practice by considering the fact that government has given approval for the cables to be laid at the designated routes particularly by roadsides in the communities.

“We need co-operation from the public to help us to maintain the fibres because when you cut them the impact comes back to you the person as well as the general community within that catchment area,” he said.

FROM James Quansah, Kumasi