NDC Foot Soldiers Join NPP

Kwabla Agbavour (right) speaking to the crowd

FORTY NATIONAL Democratic Congress (NDC) members from Adomakrom, near Tepa in the Tano South District of the Brong-Ahafo Region, have joined the New Patriotic Party as a result of “unfulfilled promises” made to them by the ruling party.

Fifteen of them last week Friday during Nana Akufo-Ado’s visit to the region, were introduced to the party at Bechem. They claimed that they had not benefitted from the NDC government, even though they worked hard to bring the party to power.

Leader of the defectors, Kawba Agbavour, told DAILY GUIDE later that most of them are footballers and that promises made to them regarding the provision of footballs, electricity poles for the community and the construction of a new football field never came to fruition, and all efforts to prevail upon the constituency executives of the party to give them their due had fallen on deaf ears. They had therefore, decided to leave the NDC and join the NPP because they have hope in the latter party.

There was rousing welcome amidst drumming, singing and dancing to welcome the 2016 NPP flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo, to the district. Speaking to the teeming supporters, the Nana Addo said he still stood by his promise of one-factory-one-district policy and would implement it to the letter when voted into power. He said the Tano South District is noted for tomato growing and so will benefit from a tomato factory, adding that that would create jobs for the youth to get money into their pockets.

Nana Ado said any time the NPP puts forward a viable policy, the NDC debunks it saying ‘it cannot be done,’ yet they turn round to implement it. He asked the people, between the NDC and the NPP who was lying to them and the people responded in a loud “the NDC!” He cited several policy initiatives that the NDC stole from the NPP but had not been able to implement them well, stressing the free SHS policy. Nana said he respects Ghanaians so much that he cannot look into their faces and lie to them, stressing that everything he had promised to do, he will do it. He recalled that former President Kufuor built 31 model schools and Bechem is a beneficiary, but Mahama’s promise of 200 community day schools at the end of his four-year term had produced only five.

A member of the entourage and MP for Lower West Akyem, Gifty Klenam, speaking to the people in both Akan and Ewe, asked the people to disregard the propaganda being leveled against the NPP that it is an Akan party; and referred to herself as an example that though an Ewe, she was able to win a parliamentary seat in an Akan constituency. “This shows that the Akans are not discriminatory but loving. They are able to accommodate everybody, irrespective of tribe, so you should vote for Nana Addo,” she urged.

She said the forthcoming election is not about tribal politics but who will come and save Ghanaians from the poverty and suffering that the Mahama administration has brought unto Ghanaians.

Nana Addo later launched the constituency campaign and asked the people to vote for the parliamentary candidate, Benjamin Sekyere, .

FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Sunyani


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