New Force Ignites Hope With Ambitious Plans

Nana Kwame Bediako


Leader of the New Force Movement, Nana Kwame Bediako, in a virtual policy launch yesterday, September, 1st 2024, has unveiled a 12-pillar plan poised to revolutionise the country’s economic and social landscape.

Termed, the “12 Pillars for Economic Freedom,” the plan outlines a series of innovative strategies aimed at transforming Ghana into Africa’s economic powerhouse.

  1. The 16 Regional Industrial Revolution

At the heart of the New Force’s vision lies a nationwide industrialisation project that aims to harness Ghana’s estimated $2.5 trillion in attributable mineral resources and 13 million hectares of arable land.

This pillar promises to create over 8 million high-value jobs within a decade by activating all the regions in Ghana and industrialising their mineral and agricultural resources.

The plan envisions transforming raw materials into high-value products for global markets, generating at least 800,000 jobs annually across various sectors.

  1. Water Transportation and Sub-Regional Railway

This proposal includes dredging and connecting Ghana’s water bodies to create inland harbours, with the Volta Lake serving as a central distribution channel.

The plan also outlines the construction of over 8000km of railway to connect Ghana with neighbouring countries, introducing sub-regional high-speed trains for efficient distribution of goods. This comprehensive transportation network aims to significantly reduce logistics costs and boost regional trade.

  1. Energy City and Technology Hub

The New Force proposes to diversify Ghana’s energy sources by shifting from hydro-dependence to a mix of wind, solar, thermal, and biomass. A cornerstone of this pillar is the construction of West Africa’s first industrial-scale nuclear power plant. Alongside energy diversification, the plan envisions creating a technology hub for transforming raw materials into electronic products, with a focus on Web3, AI, and blockchain technologies. The establishment of a data centre to control information technology further underscores the movement’s commitment to positioning Ghana at the forefront of technological innovation.

  1. Reserves, Reserves, Reserves

This comprehensive strategy includes building up mineral, oil, and agricultural reserves to stabilise the economy and reduce external dependencies. The New Force will introduce a novel “Tax Reserves” policy where multinational companies extracting resources pay taxes in raw materials, contributing directly to the national reserves. The plan also proposes printing currency domestically to reduce costs and enable faster responses to financial crises. Nana Kwame Bediako’s plans include the creation of a National Sovereign Wealth Fund, a bank backed by reserves and envisioned as a new “IMF for Ghana” with the authority to manage these reserves.

  1. The National Sovereign Wealth Fund (NSWF)

The New Force is also introducing a National Sovereign Wealth Fund (NSWF) to manage and invest these reserves in national projects. The NSWF is designed to accumulate and manage reserves derived from the nation’s extensive mineral wealth, including gold, oil, and other valuable commodities.

By transforming reserves into capital seed, the NSWF will fuel national projects, enhance financial stability, and promote sustainable economic growth without the need for external borrowing. This is a strategic initiative aimed at reducing the country’s dependency on international financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

  1. The SSNIT Revolution

The SSNIT Revolution is a policy that has come to solve three basic needs of Ghanaians – education, health and accommodation. Nana Kwame Bediako plans to transform the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) into an “insurance bank” where contributors have access to their funds after five years of contribution instead of waiting for 40 years. Through this reform, Nana Kwame Bediako hopes to introduce a “Cure Me First, Bill Me Later” model into the healthcare system, allowing SSNIT contributors to receive treatment first before payments through SSNIT.

  1. “Industrication”

This innovative education policy aims to merge industrial knowledge with traditional curricula, creating a generation of industrialists, entrepreneurs, and economists.

The plan emphasises teaching children with local culture to instil national pride and reverse the trend of westernisation in education. A complete overhaul of the national curriculum is proposed, prioritising critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and problem-solving skills to prepare Ghana’s youth for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

The New Force also commits to stringent environmental measures, empowering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with greater authority to combat pollution and environmental destruction. The plan includes implementing industrial-scale water purification processes to restore and protect water bodies, ensuring clean and safe water for all Ghanaians. Partnerships with universities and research institutions are proposed to develop advanced environmental technologies, safeguarding Ghana’s natural assets for future generations.

  1. Environmental and Human Rights Protection

This pillar focuses on empowering citizens through civic education, ensuring they know their rights and can fight for them. The plan emphasises press freedom while maintaining high standards of truthfulness in media reporting. Data protection measures will be enforced to safeguard citizens’ privacy in the digital age. The New Force also proposes implementing quota systems for pro bono cases in law firms and streamlining voter registration processes to enhance democratic participation.

  1. The Apostolic Governance; the Twelve Ministries

The New Force proposes a streamlined government model with 12 ministries, each with clearly defined and ambitious mandates. This “Apostolic Governance” model aims to reduce administrative inefficiency and costs while enhancing accountability. The plan also introduces the concept of 16 Regional CEOs with active executive functions, empowering them to drive regional development and make their regions more profitable for their inhabitants.

  1. Raising Ghana First $50 Billion

This programme aims to unify Africa by granting Ghanaian citizenship to Africans willing to invest in the country. This will be a collaborative initiative by the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior. The first phase, targeting 1 million skilled and business-oriented Africans, seeks to raise $50billion. The second phase expands the programme to cover people of African descent living outside the continent. The funds raised through this initiative are earmarked for debt reduction and fuelling the 16 Regional Industrial Revolution, potentially transforming Ghana’s economic landscape.

  1. National Security and Data Sovereignty

The plan includes migrating government processes to a secure blockchain infrastructure to enhance transparency and eliminate fraud. The New Force proposes increasing the national defence budget for improved inter-regional security, utilising advanced technology like surveillance systems to combat challenges such as illegal mining and terrorism.

This comprehensive approach to national security aims to create a safer, more stable environment for economic growth and social development.

  1. Sports and Creative Industry

The New Force proposes building multi-functional sport academies in every region to nurture young talent across various sports. The plan includes establishing a Hollywood-standard film studio to attract international filmmakers and boost Ghana’s film industry. A new publishing framework is proposed to support creatives and protect intellectual property, while investments in pattern plants and production facilities aimed at elevating Ghana’s fashion industry to global standards.

With its emphasis on economic transformation, job creation, and social empowerment, the New Force’s 12-pillar plan appears to resonate strongly with Ghana’s youth and middle class. If implemented, these policies could potentially usher in a new era of prosperity and global relevance for Ghana.

As the December elections draw closer, eyes will be on Nana Kwame Bediako and the New Force.

Its bold, detailed vision for Ghana’s future has undoubtedly raised the bar for political discourse in the country, offering a glimpse of what could be possible with innovative leadership and ambitious thinking. For many Ghanaians, especially the youth, Nana Kwame Bediako now represents the best hope for a brighter, more prosperous future.