New Zosimli Naa Enskinned In Tamale

Zosimli Naa Ife Bell Tipage’ya during her enskinment at the Gulkpena palace in Tamale


Gulkpe-Naa Alhaji Alhassan Abdulai, Paramount Chief of Tamale, has enskinned Ife Bell Tipage’ya, an African American based in Louisville, Kentucky-USA as the new Zosimli Naa II.

Ife Bell Tipage’ya succeeds the late Dr. Susan Herlin.

At a ceremony at the Gulkpe-Naa’s palace in Tamale, she received the Cola from N’yab Gukpe Naa, as a symbol of her acceptance of the title, by the tradition and culture of Dagombas.

The newly enskinned Ife Bell Tipage’ya, called on the entire Dagbon to support her to contribute her quota to the development of Dagbon.

She disclosed that her focus will be on education and leadership, health and well-being, culture and community, business, and innovation.

Zosimli Naa thanked Dagbon for coming out in their numbers to witness her enskinment.

The new Zosimli Naa is a leadership expert, and an international thought leader with 15 years of experience delivering measurable results, and works with organizations, communities, and educational institutions.

FROM Eric Kombat, Tamale
