NIA Staff Declare Indefinite Strike


All National Identification Authority (NIA) offices nationwide are set to halt operations tomorrow, June 10, 2024, as the Divisional Executive Council of the Public Service Workers’ Union (PSWU) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Ghana initiates an indefinite strike, citing unresolved issues around poor working conditions and unmet service demands for NIA staff.

The decision to embark on industrial action comes after a series of unsuccessful negotiations with the government to improve the welfare and service conditions of NIA personnel, as outlined in a statement released by the union on Sunday, June 9.

This move follows the deferral of an earlier strike notice in March 2024 due to assurances from the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations that discussions would be pursued to address the concerns raised by the workers.

Citing persistent delays in the negotiation process and the government’s failure to implement institution-specific allowances for NIA staff, the PSWU underscored the urgent need to advocate for better working conditions and fair compensation arrangements within the organization.

In light of these grievances, the union has instructed its members across all branches to adhere to the strike directive until further directives are issued, effectively resulting in a complete shutdown of services at various NIA facilities, including district, regional, and premium centers.

By Vincent Kubi

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