NPP’s Hopeson Adorye Engages Gifty Osei?

Gifty Osei and Hopeson Adorye

In the last few days, rumours have suggested that gospel musician Empress Gifty Osei is about to get married again after her first marriage failed.

Even though she has come out to debunk the marriage rumours, a recent Facebook post by a known member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Hopeson Adorye, proves that the gospel musician may have found new love.

Hopeson, a member of the NPP communications team, updated his relationship status on Facebook, indicating that he is engaged to Gifty Osei.

Attempts to reach Gifty Osei to confirm the truth or otherwise of Hopeson’s post has been unsuccessful, but she has been dropping subtle hints of a relationship with the politician after he updated his post.

In one of Gifty’s Facebook updates, she writes, “My ‘Hopes’ is in u Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord!!!”

Reports also prove that the two have been seen together at public places a number of times.

While some have suggested that this could be a mere stunt, others have also stated that it could be real love.

Hopeson Adorye, who is the Deputy National Security Coordinator in-charge of Airports, lost his wife in March 2017 after battling with cancer.
