Nyantakyi Must Stay On… Kofi Nsiah

Kwesi Nyantakyi

Former General Secretary Kofi Nsiah believes Ghana FA president Kwesi Nyantakyi has taken a wrong decision not to stand re-election in 2019.

Nyantakyi restated his decision last week during a TV interview after serving three terms.

But Nsiah, who retired in 2010, believes Nyantakyi is taking an early bow and argues his longevity should not be a problem.

”I don’t believe he is leaving at the right time. I agree with him on so many issues, but not on this decision,” Nsiah told Happy FM.

”Some people don’t understand football in this country, football is like wine, the longer you stay, the more mature you become.

”He wouldn’t have gotten to where he is now if he hasn’t kept a long time.

”His longer stay in football is the reason why he is serving on both FIFA and CAF positions

”He is not serving in his personal interest, but for the nation so I thought he would have stayed longer than this.”