Nzema Youth Show Adamus CEO Support

Some of the youth on the streets of Nzema


The youth of Nzema, particularly those in the Ellembelle District of the Western Region have commended the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Adamus Resources Limited, a mining company operating in the area, for having the development of the area at heart.

They have therefore resolved to give the CEO, Angela List, the requisite support to continue her good works geared towards creating employment opportunities and providing a livelihood for the youth.

To this end, they called on the people of Nzema to disregard any report suggesting that some sections of the youth, are against the leadership style of the CEO.

Hundreds of the Nzema Youth and some employees of the mining company, yesterday poured onto the streets in their numbers for a peaceful march to throw their unflinching support behind the CEO.

They held placards some of which read, “Thank you CEO, our teachers now have accommodation near our school, Salam community is grateful”.

“Teleku-Bokazo has clean water and good sanitation because of you” and “Angela values education, Anwiah community appreciate your efforts” among others.

The youth also mentioned other projects undertaken by Adamus under the leadership of the CEO as the renovation of the administration block of Nkroful Agriculture Senior High School and women empowerment programme.

Union Chairman of Adamus, John Kwame Eluerkeh, indicated that despite the challenges the company is currently facing, Madam List has been taking good care of the workers.

The Assembly member for the Nkroful electoral area, Francis Kwaw Mensah explained that Adamus Resources Limited is 90% owned by Adamus Australia while the government of Ghana owns the remaining 10% shares.

However, he gathered that Nguvu Mining Limited registered in Mauritius claimed to have acquired the 90 percent shares in the company from Adamus Australia and the alleged claim had resulted in a purported dispute.

Under the distinct leadership of the CEO Madam Angela List, the company has embarked on numerous developmental projects that have helped to improve the lives of the people.

“The CEO has introduced Women Empowerment (WE) Project where 87 females in the Ellembelle District have obtained skills under College of Beauty Arts and Entrepreneurship (CBAE). The project seeks to equip the women with employable skills,” he said.


From Emmanuel Opoku, Esiama