Parliament Reacts to Ballot Box Stuffing Allegations

The Parliamentary Service of Ghana has reacted to recent allegations leveled against a Deputy Marshal Officer attempting to stuff ballot boxes with papers during the election of a speaker on January 7, 2021.

According to the Service, the staff of parliament including Marshal did not participate in proceedings of parliament including voting on the floor of the house, adding, there were 275 MPs present for voting, the introduction of any voting material would have an increase in the number of votes cast and this would have exacerbated an already volatile situation.

In a press statement signed by the Director of Public Affairs of Parliament, Kate Addo, stated that the Deputy Marshal was stationed at a particular spot in the chamber to protect the ballot box.

“As things started getting out of hand, the Marshal was reaching for his teaser which was hanging behind his belt to use in the protection of the ballot box”.
The Deputy Marshal according to the statement then looked at the teaser to turn it on and actually went on to use the teaser to prevent one Member from forcefully taking the ballot box, which at the time had two casts in it.”

The box in question was taken away and examined in the presence of some leadership of the house, it said.

“The Marshals in parliament are mandated to maintain peace and order in the House and doing anything contrary to that will be at variance with the dictates of their job” the Parliamentary Service explained.

The statement also assured the citizen of the staff’s commitment to assisting the speakership, leadership, and the entire Membership of Parliament in the discharge of their duties.

By Prince Fiifi Yorke
