Partners Spain To Host ‘Night Of Dreams’ Concert

Dr. Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, Tourism Minister

The Embassy of Spain, in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, will host a musical concert dubbed “Night of Dreams” at the National Theatre tomorrow, at 7pm.

The event forms part of Spain’s cultural diplomacy and with the aim of bringing Spanish and Ghanaian societies closer together through art and culture.

The show will feature renowned Spanish pianist Enrique Bagaría, National Symphony Orchestra, Friends of Music Choir, and the Great Africa Heritage Dance Ensemble among others.

The show will take the audience on a journey through Spanish, Ghanaian and European classical music.

The musical event aspires to be an encounter of musical traditions from Spain, Ghana and Europe, as well as a way to explore forms of fusion and dialogue between them.

The performance also aims to revitalise the cultural scene and industry in Ghana.

During the show, there will be some musical surprises that will no doubt galvanise the audience.

During his visit, Spanish pianist Enrique Bagaría will hold workshop at the School of Performing Arts of the University of Ghana (Legon), and also meet the students of the Universal Wonderful Street Academy in Jamestown.

The concert, powered by Globe Productions, is sponsored by GB Foods, Comet/Wagcol, Kempinski Hotels and Meridian Apartments (Platinum); Centunion, KLM/Air France, Miniplast, Office Bureau (Gold) ; and Opein, Chestnut and Robert Smith Law Group (Silver).

The Spain-Ghana Chamber of Commerce, AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), the Creative Arts Council, UNESCO and the National Theatre are partners of the project.