Police Killer Granted Bail

The bus at the Bole police station

A bus driver has been granted police enquiry bail for knocking and killing a police officer in the Bole district of the Northern Region.

The incident happened when the deceased policeman was on patrol along the Sawla-Bole road.

According to reports, during the patrol, the police saw a flashlight in a nearby bush which they suspected could be robbers and the deceased spontaneously made a dash into the bush oblivious of the approaching vehicle which knocked him down and ran over him.

The bus driver with the registration number GM-4506-12 was arrested and the bus impounded and sent to the district police station.

The body of the deceased, L/CPL Dominic Frimpong,32, has been released to the family, which came from Accra, for burial.

The Bole District of the Northern Region has lately witnessed series of robbery cases most especially along mining communities in the area.

Residents have therefore appealed to the police to intensify their patrol of the various mining areas to curb the menace.

The Bole District Police Commander ASP Azumah who confirmed the arrest to DAILY GUIDE said the driver was currently on police enquiry bail.

According to him, the docket would be sent to the Attorney General’s Department for advice and after investigations, he would be sent to court.

FROM Eric Kombat, Bole


