Praise Dynamics Touches Lives

Eugene Zuta ministering

The 2017 edition of ‘Dynamic Praiz’, an annual flagship praise and worship concert of the La Nativity Praise Dynamics, came off at the main chapel of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Nativity Congregation, La, on Sunday, September 17.

The concert, dubbed ‘This Wonder God… Deuteronomy 10:17’, took off with Namoji Obese in a beautiful poetry recital that had the patrons applauding endlessly.

The main host of the programme, Praise Dynamics, followed with beautiful rendition of songs that kept the audience on their feet throughout the performance.

Their ministration was spiced with delightful choreography performances from the Nativity Word Theatre.

Mrs Irene Sowah of ‘Yesu Di Hene’ and ‘Obiara ?nte S? Wo’ fame kept the venue alive when she also took to the stage as one of the guest artistes to give out a thrilling performance.

Eugene Zuta of ‘Yesuee Woso’ fame, another guest artiste of the concert, took the evening to another level, as he opened his performance with soul-touching Presbyterian hymns.

He ended his session with an altar call, as some of the patrons surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.

The auditorium was filled to capacity, with some of the late attendees standing and praising God throughout the four-hour show.

The MCs, Lovinger Tetteh and Deborah Naa Dzamah Tetteh, also put up an amazing performance on the day.


Irene Sowah being backed by Praise Dynamics

By Christopher Kotei