“Prioritize Vocational Training For Entrepreneurial Success


Board Chairman of Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA), Ambassador Isaac Osei delivered a compelling address urging Ghanaians, particularly females, to prioritize vocational skills training as a pathway to becoming successful entrepreneurs.

Speaking at the 60th-anniversary celebration of St. Anne’s Secondary/Vocational School in Nuaso in the Eastern Region, Ambassador Osei emphasized the crucial role of vocational education in nurturing self-reliance and empowering graduates for achievement in further studies and the workforce.

St. Anne’s Secondary/Vocational School has garnered acclaim for its dedication to imparting vocational skills across various disciplines such as Needlework, Dressmaking, Stagecraft and Acting, Farming, Cookery and Food Science, Home Accounting, and Practical Marketing.

Complemented by fundamental subjects like Bible studies, Moral Education, English, and Mathematics, the school offers a well-rounded curriculum designed to equip students with the essential skills necessary for personal and professional success.

Ambassador Osei commended the school for its steadfast commitment to providing practical vocational skills that enable graduates to pursue diverse career paths and actively contribute to the socio-economic development of the nation. By instilling tangible capabilities for self-reliance, St. Anne’s equips its students with the resilience needed to thrive in today’s competitive job market and entrepreneurial landscape.

Recognizing the evolving demands of the modern workplace, Ambassador Osei highlighted the critical importance of essential life skills beyond vocational training. He stressed the significance of Communication Skills, Computer Literacy, Digital Proficiency, and Soft Skills in enhancing graduates’ effectiveness in their professions and facilitating seamless integration into a technology-driven global economy. These competencies enable students to navigate complex interpersonal relationships, leverage technology efficiently, and adapt to rapid technological advancements.

Moreover, Ambassador Osei underscored the transformative power of soft skills in fostering collaboration, innovation, and adaptability among graduates. Encouraging educators to prioritize the development of interpersonal skills alongside academic achievements, he emphasized the value of effective communication, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, creativity, and adaptability in preparing well-rounded professionals for success in diverse work environments.

In a touching tribute reflecting on the virtues of a virtuous woman from Proverbs 31:10, Ambassador Osei honored his wife, Mrs. Marian Fofo Osei, an esteemed alumna of St. Anne’s whose exemplary qualities align closely with the values instilled by the school.

Celebrating her trustworthiness, integrity, diligence, and self-reliance, Ambassador Osei acknowledged her significant support over nearly five decades, embodying the enduring principles of excellence and self-reliance upheld by St. Anne’s Secondary/Vocational School.

By Vincent Kubi