Sarkodie Condemns Racist Video


Rapper Sarkodie has registered his displeasure with a video on social media in which white children are being taught to discriminate against black people.

The rapper, who said he recently faced racial discrimination himself, described the act of teaching children to be racist as cruel and said, “It must stop.”

The video, which is circulating on social media platforms, shows different children answering racial questions from a voice of a lady believed to be a mother.

A black and white baby dolls were placed before the children and the lady asked them which of the two doll is ugly, bad and the best. She also pushes them to elaborate their answers by asking them why.

All the children picked the black doll as the bad and ugly one with the exception of one girl who said neither the white nor black is bad.

Another girl said the black doll is ugly and she didn’t like it because of its brown colour.

A lot of black people are outraged by the video, including Sarkodie.

“I don’t post stuff like this but it’s so cruel training kids to see things like this …. My daughter growing up in times like this won’t be easy for me to deal with … I recently experienced it and I almost couldn’t control myself but I guess the kids don’t know better but their evil parents programming them to be evil as they are … This must stop !!! Scientifically we even have the right to see y’all inferior but we don’t cos (because) we are taught love as Black people,” Sarkodie said when he shared the video on his Instagram page.

Sarkodie’s post received a lot of comments, with many condemning the video.

Sarkodie is not happy children are put at such a position to learn to be racist when the world is investing so much into stopping racism at different levels. He is also scared for the future of black kids, including his daughter.