‘Short Memory’ Faux Pas

John Mahama


Former President John Mahama is exhibiting traits of his arrogant character that makes it easy for him to look an entire nation in the face and insultingly say “Ghanaians have short memories.”

And because he always listens to himself, he says things in the belief that we do not have the capacity to recollect his faux pas while he was President from July 2016 to January 2017.

Ghanaians are not dunces that the NDC thinks we are, and after John Mahama promises “tonnes” of programmes he turns round to promise, “I won’t promise anything during this year’s electioneering because my previous stewardship is a good testament.”

Ghanaians are dealing with a very disingenuous character who advocates a “reset” Ghana agenda with promises to build bridges from Bole/Bamboi to Tongu South and North.

After failing to connect with the Ewes, John Mahama appears to have forgotten about his abysmal and rotten records while President some years ago.

If as a communicator who understands the import of a “reset” agenda, he and his NDC elements should be assuring us how a John Mahama return to power will not resurrect dumsor, freeze on public sector employment, cancellation of teacher and nursing trainees’ allowances, the granting of our mineral resources to his brother Ibrahim Mahama like he did before, which is not state capture by family and friends, and indiscipline among babies with sharp teeth.

Will John Mahama respect elders of the NDC or leave critical decisions in the hands of young and arrogant aides who form a stone wall around him forcing now Speaker Alban Bagbin to go after the former President saying, “if you refuse me audience in private I will go public with what is going wrong with your government.”

John Mahama has become so desperate to the extent that he behaves like someone who has no knowledge in corporate governance, hence promising three shifts in selected public institutions as part of the clueless 24-hour economy.

John Mahama lies through his teeth, which is hidden under his rhetoric and good persona.

Sammy Gyamfi, Fifi Kwetey, Okudzeto Ablakwa and Felix Ofosu Kwakye do not see this misnomer in their master because they are wearing wooden glasses. And for political reasons, these descendants of Goebbels would go to the extent of faking news to present Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia as a “liar.” These are the same characters begging Ghanaians to give them the mandate to misrule us again.

John Mahama and his leaders, including Jane Naana have no clue about development processes, otherwise they will not be calling Veep Bawumia a “liar” simply because he could not honour some of the promises he made in 2016.

All over the world, even in the so-called advanced democracies, did any government fulfill all its promises? Characteristic of the NDC to be changing the goal posts when their diabolical plans fail, they have now sought the support of their naysayers, including a section of the media, academia and civil society to demand an apology from Veep Bawumia because government’s policies have imposed hardships on the people.

These people require classes in development studies because they ought to be abreast of the principles that in every development process there are winners and losers, and that is why safety nets are put in place to ameliorate the pain on the vulnerable in society.

Furthermore, we want to know from Professor Ransford Gyampo, an NDC sympathiser and Captain Smart why they cannot show their dislike and hatred for Veep Bawumia by just stating the facts and data for their bias but to engage in personality attacks.