Sidiku Buari Welcomes Stevie Wonder

Stevie Wonder and Sidiku Buari twelve years ago


Alhaji Sidiku Buari could pass for the most excited person to learn about the granting of a Ghanaian citizenship to Stevie Wonder, a man he said he has great admiration for.

His excitement was limitless when he called DAILY GUIDE last Saturday to say that, “Twenty years or so ago Stevie Wonder said he would one day make Ghana his home. Today his dream has come true. I wish him a wonderful citizenship of a great country to which many African-Americans can trace their roots.”

Sidiku Buari is a former President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) and Vice President of the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), whose footprints are not restricted to the realm of music but in athletics. In the latter, he represented Ghana in the tracks in international engagements winning laurels.

“Stevie, I am excited that you finally fulfilled and honoured this promise,” he added.

Continuing to speak about Stevie, he said, “He is a wonderful person with a wonderful sense of humour. In his company there is no shortage of happiness. No wonder he is Stevie Wonder.”

Sidiku Buari told DAILY GUIDE about how during an Oprah Show, Stevie Wonder mentioned his plans to one day return to Ghana and to acquire citizenship.

Stevie Wonder is a man whose talks, ideas, interesting stories and music will always endear him to those who come close to him, Sidiku Buari said.

Organisers of the EMY Africa Awards celebrated the musician’s 74th birthday while he was in Ghana, an event which attracted important personalities from the music industry.

The Ghanaian citizenship was conferred upon the musician last Monday by President Akufo-Addo.

The gesture, which trended in both social and traditional media, was witnessed by his family who were part of the trip to the country.

The musician’s family smiled as they relished President Akufo-Addo’s recognition of Stevie’s exceptional skills.

Stevie now holds dual citizenship, American and Ghanaian.

During a brief yet significant ceremony at the Jubilee House, President Akufo-Addo praised the musician whose name he said is synonymous with creativity.

Stevie Wonder is a multiple-Grammy-winning artiste who first announced plans to relocate to Ghana permanently in February 2021 during a programme with popular talk show host, Oprah Winfrey.

By A.R. Gomda