So Far So Good

Franklin Cudjoe


In many societies in Ghana, the enemy of your friend is also your enemy no matter the circumstances.

This is the lot of the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission (EC) in its management of the electoral process in the country.

Today, the EC has become the arch enemy of the NDC. Thus, the EC has become the enemy of institutions such as IMANI, some media outlets, certain members of academia and civil society. Can one imagine the persistent attacks on the EC by Franklin Cudjoe for the obvious reasons why the people of Santrokofi, Akpafu, Likpe and Lolobi (SALL) could not vote in the 2020 elections?

Just because Franklin Cudjoe comes from the area, he like the NDC keeps attacking the EC for some discredited claims.

The last time Franklin Cudjoe of IMANI asked the Chief Justice sarcastically whether or not she has been “justified?” We do not have any answers to such a question though but to ask Franklin Cudjoe and his friends in the NDC, whether or not when it comes to issues concerning the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission, they too have been “justified?”

In spite of the good work done by the EC since the limited registration exercise began on May 7, 2024, albeit with pockets of poor internet connectivity, the NDC, IMANI and some media houses think the Commission has failed to deliver on its mandate. Such characters would not see the successes chalked up by the EC even if the achievements of Jean Mensa are held at their eye balls.

It appears they are using opaque lenses as against the transparent ones used by sane persons.

The Jean Mensa-led EC has been arguably the most transparent in the country’s post independent Ghana. We concede, however, that as a human institution, of course, challenges are bound to pop up during the exercise. Let us all support the EC with constructive criticisms to be able to compile a very credible voters register that will help the Commission to give ” birth” to a President on December 7.

We should guard against mischievous criticisms, especially from people in the NDC, IMANI and media practitioners with very “smelly” testimonials.

We should be able to acknowledge the efficient manner by which Jean Mensa and her team have responded to queries unlike the arrogance exhibited by her predecessor, Charlotte Osei.

Ghanaians, we hope would not exhibit short memories in the case of the new logo introduced by Charlotte Osei. Her response to queries was “we saw it and we like it”. That was how with cheeky ease she dismissed questions about the new logo. Draw a comparison between her and Jean Mensa who uses “Let the Citizens Know” series to explain issues concerning the electoral process to the people.

As of today, the registration exercise is going on smoothly in all the centres across the country and for which reason, we say to the Jean Mensa-led EC that, “So far, so good.” Nonetheless, we call on the EC to undertake constant field visits to scrutinise the work of the staff, most of whom are temporary staff whose integrity the EC can hardly vouch for.

The EC should also not hesitate to deploy its mobile registration teams to areas where challenges emerge. We know the prayer of the NDC is for the EC to fail.

Ironically, the NDC and its apparatchiks are the trouble makers as if the December 7 election is “a do or die affair”. They are masquerading with offensive weapons including guns to cause mayhem at the registration centres.