St. Mary’s College Of Health Sciences Holds Matriculation



The St. Mary’s College of Health Sciences has matriculated a total of 61 students at its maiden matriculation ceremony.

The students were admitted into the General Nursing programme.

Speaking at the matriculation ceremony, co-founder of the college, Kate Nana Yaa Amponsah Agyare, congratulated the students for working hard to gain admission into the college.

She encouraged the students to persevere through difficult times and reminded them of the value and importance of nursing practice.

Madam Agyare also advised them not to give up on their studies and to view their role as nurses as a partnership with God’s creation.

Emphasising the significance of providing care to vulnerable individuals, she highlighted the demand for the nursing profession.

Principal of St. Mary’s College of Health Sciences, Mrs. Sophia Agyei-Aye, highlighted that the matriculation marked an official entry of every student into higher institutions of learning and served as a formal admission for deserving and qualified candidates.

The principal expressed gratitude to God for the opportunity to matriculate the students.

Madam Agyei-Aye assured that they would ensure the peaceful stay of students, reaffirming their commitment to improving the teaching and learning facilities, to ensure that students excelled in their various fields of study.

Representative of the Head of Department, Adult Health Nursing, University of Cape Coast, Dr. Mrs. Christiana Asiedu, urged the students to prioritise patience, safety, advocate for their needs and uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct of the nursing and midwifery profession.

“Embrace the opportunity to learn from each other, work together and support one another to achieve the dreams and goals of the profession, and be compassionate, because it is the heart of nursing,” she advised the students.

One of the students, Jasmine Mateko Tetteh, appreciated the administrators and all staff for their support and good teaching skills, and also appealed to the government to provide the college with more practical equipment to enhance their education.

By Nafisatu Abdul Razak & Janet Odei Amponsah