Tension Mounts In Kpone-Bawleshie Over Chieftaincy Dispute With Sporadic Gunfire


The residents of Kpone-Bawleshie in the Kpone-Katamansu Municipality of the Greater Accra Region are gripped by fear and uncertainty as sporadic gunfire rings out in the community amid a brewing chieftaincy conflict.

The unsettling events have rattled the town, with unknown assailants unleashing indiscriminate gunshots to instill fear and intimidation among the populace.

In response to the escalating situation, the police intervened following reports from concerned residents and apprehended one Godfred Nortey, alongside several youth suspected to be involved in disrupting a funeral meeting in the area.

Speaking at a press conference held over the weekend, the Regent of Kpone Bawleshie, Lt Colonel Jacob T. Dottey (RTD), shed light on the underlying issues fueling the chieftaincy dispute. Col. Dottey highlighted Godfred Nortey’s contentious actions, alleging that Nortey, as the head of the Adaitse Abladey Gate, hijacked the enstoolment process by unilaterally installing his son as the chief—a move deemed as a deliberate obstruction of established protocols.

The Regent further narrated how attempts by the Clan Head and other elders to caution Nortey against his unilateral actions were met with denial and disregard, contributing to a breakdown in communication and escalating tensions within the community.

Lt. Col. Dottey emphasized that the purported chief, installed without due process, lacks the legitimacy and endorsement of the traditional authorities, leading to increased friction and discord among factions.

The refusal of the Regent and elders to recognize the ‘imposed chief’ has deepened the rift, exacerbating the existing divisions and stoking anxieties among the residents.

The persistence of chieftaincy impasse coupled with the recent outbreak of violence has heightened the sense of unrest and apprehension in Kpone Bawleshie, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the community’s future.

By Vincent Kubi
