Textile And Garments Committee Inaugurated

Alan Kwadwo Kyeremanten

The reconstituted National Technical Committee for Textiles  and Garments was on Friday inaugurated to ensure that Ghana meets the requirements for the production of textiles and garments for the local and the international markets.

The committee, which has been expanded in size from 12 experts to 22, would be responsible for the development and implementation of standards for the textiles and garments industry.

It is determined to consider standards for slit and kaba, Kente, smock and many other Ghana-made clothes that are mostly preferred by many Ghanaians and foreigners alike.

It has Eunice Antiaye – head of Textiles and Garment Department, Accra Technical University – as its chairperson, with other members drawn from different backgrounds – industry, professional, education and research institutions, certification bodies, consumer groups and government departments.

Nyame Berfi, Director in-charge of Multilateral, Regional and Bilateral Trade at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, who inaugurated the committee in Accra on behalf of Alan Kwadwo Kyeremarten – the sector minister – said Ghana could not take full advantage of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) due to sub-standard goods.

“Even though AGOA presents a significant opportunity for Ghana to increase its manufacturing capacity and diversify its exports, the country has not been able to exploit to the full, the trading opportunities under the programme,” Mr Kyeremarten said in a speech read on his behalf.

He emphasised the importance of rigidly keeping to applicable standards as far as the textiles and garment industry is concerned and tasked the committee to pay attention to the variety of fabrics, material and finishes in the production of textile goods and modifications in the description of care processes.

Mr Kyeremanten also tasked the members of the committee to use their expertise to come out with standards and requirements needed to ensure safety and quality of products from the industry.

Professor Alex Dodoo, Director General of the GSA, said the committee members represent capable men and women in the country who set standards for the nation in line with international standards.

He mentioned challenges confronting the textile and garments industry as sub-standard buttons, zips, thread, under-sized measuring tapes as well as the inability to penetrate the job markets.

“The task we have thrown to the Technical Committee is that Ghanaian clothes have sizes; please let’s know the standards for our sizes – for Fugu, for Kaftan and so on. That’s the only way we can trade online,” he charged.

Madam Antiaye said the committee would hit the ground running by holding meetings to deliberate on adoption, review and development of relevant standards.


