The Obese Cat Is Finally Out Of The Bag!


I have never seen a group of party supporters so gullible. They even clapped and cheered their then General Secretary as he literally confessed that he and the party leadership had hoodwinked them into believing the party had won the 2020 election.

Yes, you guessed right. The General Ntontom tape, which dominated the airwaves few days before Zu-za’s national conference, is what I refer to.

I’ve carefully reviewed the tape and General Ntontom was unambiguous in his confession: Zu-za was unable to collate its 2020 election results. What this means is that Zu-za couldn’t have known whether it had won or lost the presidential election. In other words, they couldn’t have known if they were cheated or not.

So, you see, the decision by Zu-za to go to court to challenge the 2020 presidential election was only to hoodwink their angry and agitated members into believing that the incumbent Elephant had colluded with the Electoral Commission (EC) to deny Zu-za victory. How their teeming supporters easily fell for that trick still beats my imagination.

Believe me, the gullibility of majority of Zu-za supporters is legendary. During the declaration of the results by the EC Chairperson, a section of Zu-za supporters could be seen celebrating and chanting “Mahama afa”, to wit, “Mahama has won”. Ironically, the result being announced pointed to the contrary. How could they be so delusional?

We saw how the naive supporters marched on the streets to protest the so-called electoral theft by the Jean Mensa-led EC. We also saw the confrontation with the police and the stone-throwing episode by the recalcitrant supporters, which compelled the police to splash hot water on them and injure some in the process. Kweh, General Ntontom has now admitted that all the ‘wahala’ was for nothing!

Abusuapanin, General Ntontom’s confession about the evidence presented to Lawyer Ntatia, Zu-za’s lead counsel, is as revealing as it is worrying. Listen to General Ntontom: “After reviewing the manually collated figures, Lawyer Ntatia handed the documents back to us and said if that is the evidence we are taking to court, then we should look for another lawyer.”

Yet ‘all-knowing’ Lawyer Ntatia eventually went to court with the said evidence and painted a picture of the court being biased against him and his party. He and his party wasted our time, wasted our emotions and made the whole country sit on tenterhooks.

Till today, some Zu-za fanatics still believe their party won the 2020 election. Some are still delusional even after General Ntontom’s confession. Uncle Rufai, who is paralysed from the waist down, does not want to accept the fact that his sacrifice of going out to queue and vote had been in vain. And there are many others like him out there.

Now that General Ntontom has let the obese cat out of the bag, what will President Ogwanfunu say again about the justices of the Supreme Court (SC)? After telling the whole world that he was denied the presidential throne because of political judges, will he eat a humble pie and apologize to the judiciary for tarnishing the image of our SC justices without any just cause?

That’s exactly what I would do if I were in his shoes. An apology today may give some credibility to any grievance he and his party might raise in future elections. But I doubt President Ogwanfunu would eat humble pie because the man doesn’t have the word ‘shame’ in his lexicon.

Be that as it may, I am excited that the obese cat has finally been exposed after being hidden in the bag for close to 2 years. The General Ntontom tape has proven that the integrity and the sanctity of our SC have never been tainted. It corroborates the fact that the justices of the SC, aka “The Unanimous FC”, were always unanimous because they unanimously realized that Lawyer Ntatia and his party were in court on a fishing expedition.

It’s obvious that same deceptive tactic is being used in the Gyakye Quayson criminal trial. They want the world to believe it is ‘persecution’ when they know too well that Mr Canadian had been reckless by lying to the EC. I only hope the gullible Zu-za supporters would smell the coffee and wake up from their slumber.

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente


