Tipper Truck Crushes Motor Rider


The deceased at the scene of accident

A man believed to be in his early fifties met his untimely death Monday evening when the motor bike he was riding was reportedly hit by a tipper truck.

The body of the victim, whose name was only given as Simon, has since been deposited at the St Mary’s Hospital, Drobo, in the Jaman District of the Brong-Ahafo Region.

The gory accident happened at about 5:48 pm near a place called Babianeha.

DSP Edmund Jones Afutu, Jaman South District police Commander, who spoke to DAILY GUIDE, said Simon was riding a motorbike with registration number BA 11-3316 M from Drobo direction towards Atunaa when he saw the tipper truck.

According to him, in an effort to give way to it (truck) the back tyre of the truck hit the bike and crushed Simon to death instantly.

The tipper truck, with registration number BA 2941-13, was being driven by 27-year-old Foster Amponsah, who has been arrested and detained to assist the police in their investigation.

FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Drobo

