Tom Cruise Warns Crew Members For Violating Covid19 Rules

Tom Cruise

Experienced American actor and film producer, Tom Cruise, has issued a stern warning to two of his crew members who allegedly violated Coronavirus safety protocols.

The two workers were alleged to have broken the Coronavirus rules while on set, forcing Cruise to lost his cool.

The development has gained the attention of global media outlets.

In an audio recording said to have been obtained by The Sun, a British media outlet, a voice believed to be that of Mr. Cruise, could be heard warning two of his crew members.

The veteran actor cautioned them that they will be “f**** gone” if he sees them getting too close on set again.

He warning, according to reports, was served on the set of Mission Impossible: 7 after crew members appeared to ignore social distancing rules.

He was heard telling the two workers that they were sitting too close, warning them: “If I see you do it again, you’re f**** gone.”

Mr Cruise notified the two workers that Mission Impossible is the “gold standard” to lead the way in getting the movie industry back to work.

According to him, “I’m on the phone with every f*** studio at night, insurance companies, producers, and they’re looking at us and using us to make their movies. We are creating thousands of jobs you motherf***. I don’t ever want to see it again, ever!”.

By Melvin Tarlue