Tragic Premix Explosion Injures 16 In Ngyirasia

A tragic incident unfolded at Ngyirasia in the Western Region, with at least 16 individuals suffered various degrees of injuries in a supposed premix fuel explosion.

Fortunately, no death has been recorded as at now.

The harrowing event transpired on Saturday evening when a group of fishermen was in the process of transporting premix fuel to the beach for their fishing activities.

Reports indicate that while carrying the fuel, a drum inadvertently toppled to the ground, leading to its contents spilling out and ultimately coming into contact with an open flame.
The resulting explosion caused significant injuries to multiple individuals present at the scene.

The victims were rushed to the Saint Benedict Hospital in Inchaban and Effiankwanta Regional Hospital.

The explosion affected properties including vehicles which were burnt.

Emergency response teams including the National Fire Service and Police swiftly mobilized to provide assistance to the wounded and quickly launched an investigation into the precise circumstances surrounding the explosion.
Measures are being taken to determine the root cause of the incident and to implement necessary precautions to avert similar accidents in the future.

The community of Ngyirasia remains deeply shaken by this tragic event, and support is being extended to the affected individuals and their families during this challenging time.

-BY Vincent Kubi