Traits Of A Bad Loser (1)

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen


There is a very common saying that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

This does not apply to Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, who now some refer to as the serial quitter who like the small boy who carries his ball to the public playground will seize the ball because the boys are not playing to his dictates.

We can bet our last pesewa that with this entitlement mentality that pushed him to resign in 2008 because he lost the primaries and now in 2023 because he again lost, what would he do when the people reject him in 2024 at the presidential election. Maybe this time around he would renounce his Ghanaian citizenship.

Alan is no politician, otherwise after listing his credentials in the party, he should have developed the thick skin to navigate the machinations associated with membership of a political party. Perhaps he did not go for tutorials from his mentor President Kufuor to pick a few lessons about politics and leadership.

What does Alan say are some of the reasons why he “defected” from the NPP? That the primaries have been skewed in favour of the establishment candidate spearheaded by some leading members and leadership of the party. Come on Alan Cash, credit some leaders of the NPP who are self-made men and women with self-esteem.

They are men of timber not men of straw who cannot be manipulated. Alan was supported by the system in 2007 and even flew state aircraft across the country but he lost.

So politics depends on the message, because if it were influence and merely incumbency advantage, sitting presidents would not be losing power and in contemporary Ghana we have a few examples.

Alan by this conduct establishes himself as a bad loser who does not exude any sporting spirit in his public posturing.

He is the person who salutes the referee when he wins but “slaps” him when he fails to achieve his objectives.

He is also a bad loser who goes into a contest without examining the possible outcomes, and blames everybody but himself like a bad workman who always finds faults with his working tools.

Alan Cash says he has contributed so much to the NPP and deserves to be treated better. We can say also that he is one person who has been largely rewarded by the party. In 2001 he was Ghana’s ambassador to the US, 2005 to 2007 – Minister of Trade, Industry and Presidential Special Initiatives (PSI) under former President Kufuor, and again Trade and Industry portfolio from 2017 to 2023 under President Akufo-Addo.

Can this man claim not to have benefitted immensely from the NPP?

If he knew the NPP lacked internal democracy and whipped people in line through intimidation and threats after his first resignation, why did he accept appointment in 2017 and after using the office to promote his ego and self-esteem turns his back to the party. Also, if the party has lost its values why will he not just leave with his butterfly and leave the elephant alone but pleading with the rank and file of the party he has betrayed to vote for NPP parliamentary candidates but vote for him to become president.

