Upper East Chiefs Dispute Election, Seek Court Intervention


A contentious leadership dispute has erupted within the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs, prompting two paramount chiefs to seek a court injunction against the swearing-in of Pe Ditundini Adiali Ayagitam III as president.
The dispute centers around the election of Ayagitam, paramount chief of Chiana, as president-elect of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs.

Tongraan Kugbilsong-Nanlebegtang, paramount chief of Talensi, and Nab Azagsuk Azantilow, paramount chief of Builsa Traditional Council, claim that Ayagitam’s election violates a 2001 rotational system agreement.

The Rotational System Agreement

In 2001, the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs established a rotational system to elect its president.

The system aimed to promote unity and fairness among member groups by dividing them into three groups and rotating the presidency among them.
The plaintiffs argue that bypassing this rotational system undermines the House’s unity.

Court Action

Tongraan Kugbilsong-Nanlebegtang and Nab Azagsuk Azantilow filed a motion at the Bolgatanga High Court, seeking an interlocutory injunction to restrain Ayagitam from holding himself as president-elect and participating in any swearing-in ceremony.

They also seek to restrain the registrar of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs from facilitating any ceremony or inviting a legal officer to swear in Ayagitam.

Reliefs Sought

The plaintiffs seek several reliefs, including: a declaration that Ayagitam’s election is null and void, an order setting aside the election, an interlocutory injunction restraining Ayagitam and the registrar, a perpetual injunction preventing unilateral changes to the rotational system and Costs, including solicitor’s fees.

BY Daniel Bampoe