Use New Talents For Movies —Diamond


Talented actress Eunice Afua Fenuku known in showbiz circles as Diamond is entreating movie producers to use new talents for roles instead of subjecting Ghanaian movie audience to particular faces.

While lack of confidence in new talents to deliver and interpret roles may be the reason new actors are hardly used, she believes that has certainly not spelt well for the Ghanaian movie sector in a competitive era.

She stated that since movie fans were sick of seeing the same old faces on the screen, it would be appropriate for film producers to encourage new actors to take on challenging parts.

She however, stressed that in other countries like Nigeria, new faces frequently appear in productions to promote young talents.

“Ghana has full of excellent actors who can play any character, but sadly, it seems the system has only permitted a select few to hold prominent positions in the industry. There are numerous skills out there that film makers and production firms ought to use.

She urged the movie producers to develop technical standards for productions to meet the global standard and build their capacity by learning from other countries.

She encouraged them to use films to project the country and its rich culture to the world.

Diamond urged producers to conduct research on films in the country and the world to help them improve their production standards.

She also advised them to promote and facilitate co-production between local and foreign producers as part of measures to promote their movies.