Veep Predicts 80% Votes

Dr. Zenator (3rd from right) at the manifesto launch

Vice President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has predicted 80% votes for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on December 7, 2016 and revealed that he would vote for the party’s parliamentary candidate for Klottey Korley Constituency, Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings.

However, political analysts say his 80% prediction is untenable because in the history of Ghana’s elections, no party has ever garnered that number of votes – whether parliamentary or presidential.

The vice president said this during the party’s manifesto launch in Sunyani, Brong-Ahafo Regional capital, on Saturday, under the theme ‘Changing Lives, Transforming Ghana.’

The disclosure to vote for Dr Zanetor, according to political watchers, probably is to appease his onetime ‘foe’ – the father of Zanetor, former President Jerry John Rawlings, founder of the NDC.

Touching on the NDC manifesto for the 2016 election, Paa Kwesi Amissah-Arthur admitted that the “good manifesto” could not win them the polls if it was not explained to the people to understand it.

According to him, it would take strenuous effort to explain it to the people “from room to room, door to door or community to community” to understand it. This also contradicts his boss’, President Manama’s explanation that the manifesto was written in a simple language for everybody to understand, even the blind because it has the Braille version.

FROM Daniel Y Dayee, Sunyani