Vodafone Foundation Launches ‘Project Revive’

Management of Vodafone Ghana Foundation in a photograph with stakeholders of the Aboman Community

Vodafone Ghana Foundation, in partnership with Care International Ghana, has launched a social campaign dubbed, ‘Project Revive,’ a flagship financial inclusion project for women.

Launched at the Aboman Community Centre, the project seeks to empower women of Abokobi, the first target of beneficiaries, who would benefit from learning financial investment, savings and innovations.

The partner, Care International, will provide financial skills training to disadvantaged women in the Ga East and West Districts and enable them experience financial inclusion by leveraging on Vodafone’s mobile money platform to gain access to financial services in Ghana.

Yolanda Cuba, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Vodafone Ghana Foundation, speaking at the launch of the project said, “Statistics have shown that only about 30% of Ghanaians are financially included and actually have access to a full range of financial services. With 70% of the population not financially included means there is something we can do about it”.

Ms Cuba said that financial services could empower people and propel them forward as they look into the future, adding that Vodafone has embarked on similar empowerment projects with farmers and fisher folks in some parts of the country.

Elkanah Odembo, Country Director of Care International, said his outfit has for the last 20 years empowered women economically with the belief that if women are economically  empowered, it would trickle down to the family and entire society.

“When women have money, they do things that benefit their families and the entire society. Families are empowered, communities are also empowered,” he said, adding that working with and through women is the only way to bring development to a country as a whole.

“We believe very strongly that helping women, particularly to now have access to different financial services not just savings, and using the kind of mobile technology that Vodafone has. Vodafone Money gives us an opportunity to help women have access to other financial services and growth.”

He said his outfit was looking forward to a productive partnership between the two entities to ensure that women are economically empowered to do business to benefit their families, communities and Ghana as a whole.


By Abigail Owiredu-Boateng
