Volta Towns Get Traditional Council


Kofi Dzamesi inaugurating Avenor Traditional CouncilĀ 

Four new traditional councils have been inaugurated in the Volta Region despite strong opposition from some quarters.

The four are Akyode Traditional Council in the Nkwanta South District, Vapko Traditional Council in the North Dayi District, Avenor Traditional Council in the Akatsi South District and Aflao Traditional Council in the Ketu South Municipality.

Two of the traditional councils faced strong opposition from the parent traditional councils.

The Anlo Traditional Council vehemently opposed the elevation of Aflao and Aveno.

The Anlo State oversees 36 traditional areas, including Afloa and Avenor, under the leadership of the Awomefia, Torgbui Sri III.

As a result, the Anlo State filed an injunction to prevent the Minister of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs from inaugurating the two traditional councils.

In a suit filed on his behalf by Lawyer Elikplim Agbemava, the Awomefia of Anlo, Torgbui Sri III, accused the Chieftaincy Minister of usurping his authority since the elevation of Aflao and Avenor was vested in him as prescribed by customs and the constitution.

He described the attempt to inaugurate the two traditional councils by persons apart from the Awomefia as unconstitutional and threat to the peace and unity of the Anlo State.

The suit did not stop the Minister, Samuel Kofi Dzamesi from going ahead to inaugurate the two traditional councils.

The Paramount Chiefs of Aflao and Avenor, Torgbui Adzonugaga Amenya Fiti V and Torgbui Dorglo Anumah VI respectively and their sub-chiefs, expressed gratitude to the government for elevating their traditional councils.

They were hopeful the move would unite the people and facilitate the rapid development of their traditional areas.

At Nkwanta South, the chiefs and people of Akyode Traditional Area, were happy that their dream to be carved out of the Krachi Traditional Area since 1949 had become reality.

The Paramount Chief and President of the Akyode Traditional Council, Nana Obonbo Sewura Lupuwura II, noted that many good things would happen in the Akyode area and the whole of Nkwanta due to the elevation.

Paramount Chief of Vakpo Traditional Council, Togbe Gbogbolulu V, also expressed gratitude to the minister for carving out Vakpo Traditional Council from the Akpini Traditional Council.

He gave assurance that they would promote unity and development.

The Chieftaincy Minister, Kofi Dzamesi, in an address, advised the presidents of the new traditional councils not to settle personal scores but develop their respective areas.

He reiterated governmentā€™s support in transforming their traditional areas.

From Fred Duodu, Ho (k.duodu@yahoo.com)
