Woman Convicted For Lip Bite

The victim

Grace Baah, a food vendor at Ahwiaa, near Anwiankwanta in the Bekwai Municipality of the Ashanti Region, has been convicted by a Bekwai Circuit Court for biting off the lip of another woman.

Grace Baah, aka Abena Amankwa, attacked Gloria Ankrah, an orange seller, on the street of Ahwiaa around 10pm on December 5, 2018.

The fight was allegedly instigated by the convict’s friend called Precious Frimpong.

Grace was charged with the offence of causing unlawful harm, contrary to Section 69 of Act 29/60 while Precious was also charged with aiding and abetment of crime.

The Bekwai Circuit Court, presided over by Fredrick Nawura, ordered a pregnancy test to be carried out on the convict who was remanded to reappear on March 21, 2019 for sentencing.

The prosecutor, Detective Inspector Stephen, told the court that the complainant and the convict live at Ahwiaa, near Anwiankwanta.

According to him, on December 5, 2018 at about 8:00 pm, the complainant, who sells orange on the street of the community, went to buy food close to Grace Baah’s food joint.

The prosecutor narrated that Grace and her friend Precious Frimpong began verbally abusing the victim without provocation when they saw her.

Inspector Ofori said this led to exchange of words between them.

He asserted that at about 10:00 pm the two paddies confronted Gloria again when she was packing her oranges.

He said that this time the incident resulted into a fight during which Precious Frimpong held the victim’s hands.

The prosecutor said Grace Baah bit off Gloria’s lower lip as she struggled with her assailants.

She was rushed to the Bekwai Government Hospital for treatment and subsequently reported the matter to police.

Grace admitted the offence of causing unlawful harm in her caution statement, but Precious Frimpong denied any wrongdoing.

From Ernest Kofi Adu, Kumasi
