Woman Jailed For Overfeeding Dog To Death


A New Zealand woman has been sentenced to two months in prison for the shocking neglect of her pet dog, Nuggi, who died due to severe overfeeding.

The case has sparked outrage and raised awareness about the dangers of overfeeding pets.

Nuggi, a poor canine, was rescued from his owner’s Auckland home in October 2021, weighing a staggering 53.7kg.

The dog’s small legs struggled to support his enormous body, and he could hardly walk 10 meters without needing a break.
Reports said SPCA officers described the scene as “heartbreaking,” with Nuggi pausing three times to catch his breath during a short walk to the rescue car.

The owner’s reckless behavior led to Nuggi’s suffering, with the dog developing conjunctivitis, wounds on his elbows qand belly, and a life-threatening liver disease.

A necropsy revealed that Nuggi had been suffering from multiple health complications, including Cushing’s disease.

SPCA chief executive Todd Westwood condemned the owner’s actions, stating, “Nuggi was being drastically overfed, and instead of seeking help or amending the behavior, his owner continued to overfeed him until he could barely walk. This is unacceptable.”

The court’s decision to jail the owner for two months, disqualify her from owning dogs for a year, and order her to pay reparations of $NZ 1222.15 ($720) sends a strong message against animal neglect.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
