WR Women Plead For Napo

Nana Ntwa Aberwa (right) addressing the media


A group calling itself ‘Concerned Women of Western Region’ has pleaded with Ghanaians who were peeved by the recent comment of the running mate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh about Kwame Nkrumah, to let sleeping dogs lie now that the running mate, popularly called Napo, has apologised.

It would be recalled that the former Energy Minister, at his unveiling ceremony in Kumasi as Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s running mate, claimed among other things that the achievements of the Akufo-Addo administration currently surpasses that of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.

After the programme, some people interpreted his statement as one which sought to diminish the achievements of Ghana’s first President.

Some purported aggrieved youth in the Nzema area of the Western Region have organised series of press conferences calling on Napo to resign as running mate, even after his apology.

The concerned women have, therefore, called on the youth and all Ghanaians to let bygones be bygones and allow peace to prevail before, during and after the December 7 general election.

Addressing the media in Takoradi on behalf of the women, the Queenmother of Ahuntumano in the Ahanta West Municipality of the region, Nana Ntwa Aberwa was happy that Napo ate the humble pie by apologising.

“We know that what our brother, husband and uncle said offended some traditional leaders in the region.

“That is why he has gone ahead to apologise, and we believe that as women and lovers of peace, we should add our voices to Napo’s plea and plead with the aggrieved youth to accept the apology so we can move on as one people,” she added.

She stated, “The youth have every right to voice out their grievances but let us all be careful we do not do anything to mare the relative peace Ghana is enjoying because we do not have anywhere to go when there is civil war.”

From Emmanuel Opoku, Takoradi 




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