19-Year-Old Rhoda Needs Help

Rhoda on the hospital bed


Nineteen-year-old Rhoda Agubretu, a bright young woman from a struggling family of eight, is fighting for her life after being diagnosed with a critical heart condition known as Atrial Septal Defect (ASD).

Experts at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) have determined that urgent open-heart surgery is her only chance for survival.

Raised by a single mother who tirelessly supports her family, Rhoda has shown remarkable resilience despite their challenging circumstances.

She excelled academically, culminating in her Senior High School SHS graduation. Her dreams extended beyond her family’s limitations when she secured admission to the University of Ghana.

However, the harsh reality of poverty forced her to relinquish this opportunity—a heartbreaking setback for a young woman brimming with potential.

Since her diagnosis, Rhoda has endured excruciating chest pain and laboured breathing, leading to multiple emergency room visits.

Her condition took a terrifying turn with a recent cardiac arrest, requiring resuscitation. Now, she is dependent on life-sustaining oxygen and is in a desperate race against time.

“We are making a heartfelt plea for immediate assistance to fund Rhoda’s life-saving surgery. Every moment counts. With your support, we can give Rhoda a chance to fulfil her potential and bring joy back into her life, and her family’s,” a letter appealing for funds stated.

The cost implication for the procedure is $7,500.00.

“The family is therefore seeking to raise funds for her life-saving procedure with the help of benevolent support. Please help us save Rhoda’s life. Momo number: 024 942 7849 Account Name: Mawuena Tornyesinu,” the letter disclosed.

A Daily Guide Report
