2 Students Grabbed For Lynching Spiritualist In Twifo Praso


In a shocking turn of events, two students of Twifo Praso Senior High School in the Central region have been arrested for allegedly masterminding the gruesome murder of a spiritualist, Abdul Latif.

The incident, which occurred on Wednesday, August 21, has sent shockwaves through the community, reigniting concerns about student violence and the role of spiritualism in resolving conflicts.

According to sources, the spiritualist had been invited to the school to help identify the thief who stole a junior student’s mobile phone.

However, when Abdul Latif revealed the identity of the alleged thief, a group of students, numbering around 10, ambushed and brutally attacked him, leading to his death.

This incident is not an isolated event, as there have been previous reports of student violence and indiscipline in the school.

In 2020, a similar incident occurred where a student was attacked by his peers, resulting in severe injuries.

The police have since arrested the two students and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the murder.

The timely intervention of the police also prevented further violence, as some youth in the community had planned to storm the school campus for revenge.

The incident has raised questions about the safety and security of students and staff in the school, as well as the role of spiritualism in conflict resolution.

While some have praised the spiritualists for attempting to resolve the issue, others have condemned the students’ actions as brutal and senseless.

-BY Daniel Bampoe
