To Dr. Bawumia:  Don’t Fight The Current, Let It Have Its Way With You

Vice President Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia

If nobody understands the desperation of the NDC and the constant verbal attack they heap on Dr. Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, at least I do.  In fact, if nobody moves in sympathy with the NDC as they call press conferences on daily basis, I sincerely do and pity them.  These bunch of nation wreckers were so bruised at the polls that they are dazed and can only console themselves with insults, press conferences and unnecessary destructive criticism of the new regime which is trying to fix what they destroyed for eight solid years.

The NDC apparatchiks have proved beyond reasonable doubt that they cannot bear the pain of defeat.  It has been barely six months since Ghanaians booted out the party from power but sadly they still bear the pain. In this 21stcentury any Machiavellian agenda won’t work because people are enlightened. Dr. Bawumia had cause to tell Ghanaians on so many occasions that the NDC people do not read.  I am beginning to understand him.  When they suffered the humiliating defeat, and the Kwesi Botchwey  Committee was set up to look into the reason why the party lost, I was expecting them to wait for the report before they started apportioning blames but that was not to happen.  Kofi Adams, the National Organizer of the party set the ball rolling from day one when he told the world that the NDC lost as a result of an IT failure.  Whatever that means is best known to him.  Today, they have a 455-page report to peruse and they are not reading the document.  Lazy cocoons!

Like Dr. Hilla Limann, the man, Dr. Bawumia was relatively unknown in the political landscape  of Ghana. As the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana, he was not in the limelight but rather busy turning the fortunes of the economy round in his own small way.  When the eagle eyes of then candidate Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo fell on Dr. Bawumia and he chose him as his running mate, tongues started wagging.  Who is Dr. Bawumia?  Is he a member of the New Patriotic Party?  What is he bringing on board?  These and many more questions were asked but Nana Addo knew what he was doing.  In no time, Dr. Bawumia worked so hard to earn the respect of even those who opposed his candidature.

Nobody can convince me that Dr. Bawumia was not a torn in the flesh of NDC supporters in the run-up to the 2016 general election. The guy was firing from all cylinders as he continued to deliver thought-provoking lectures, exposing the NDC trickery and propaganda.  Instead of the NDC leadership seizing the opportunity to prepare an economist among them who could match Dr. Bawumia squarely, they chose the path of insults and left such a serious business in the hands of upstarts.  When an economic whizz-kid like Dr. Bawumia is prancing away with professorial bombast, you don’t push an ignoramus like Koku Anyidoho to the ring to slug it out with such a person.  And yet this was exactly what the NDC did.

Today, Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the Vice President of Ghana.  Unlike the days of the electioneering campaign, the man is so busy trying to put things right that he has no time to debate anyone.  He is acting like a moving volcano and he treats anyone who stands on his way as an obstacle.  The man is junketing the globe and anytime he returns, his body is bathed with goodies. What Dr. Bawumia is doing is what my former literature teacher used to call a prescience, which is a word that defines vision, foresight and creative discernment.  If you are focused, you don’t allow for distraction.  You do everything that you can to maintain your energy flow.  This is what is happening in the life of Dr. Bawumia. The man knows how to deal with obstacles on his way to success.

Anytime he visits the three northern regions, he never hesitated to remind them that the one village, one dam promise will come to pass and that to me is a mark of a gentleman who will never break his promise.  His recent visit to China and the unprecedented investment which will soon come to Ghana is a testimony to the fact that not all travelers come back home, all covered with debt like what used to happen when Mr. Mahama held the reins of power.  What Dr. Bawumia is doing is like swimming with the current versus being dragged down and out by a riptide.  The man continues to find his own current and he goes with it.  Any attempt to distract him will not work because he is highly focused.  My dear wife referred to Dr. Bawumia as a member of the lucky sperm club.


All too soon, Salifu Maase, alias Mugabe who was brought down from the UK to insult Ghanaians who did not support the NDC in the run-up to the 2016 general election has ran into hiding with his tail stuck between his thighs.  Who say man no dey?  This alleged wee-smoking buffoon used to brag that he was untouchable, unbreakable, unstoppable among others but barely six months after the NDC’s  humiliating defeat, the  alleged wee smoker and his other drug addicts and ex-convicts were nowhere to be found.  When the Kwesi Botchwey committee started work, I expected them to focus their lenses on the Montie 3 because they were the main cause of the electoral defeat that the NDC suffered.

The Ghanaian culture frowns upon the untoward behavior exhibited by these drug addicts and the NDC leadership should have known better.  A lot of the sympathy votes that the then candidate Akufo Addo had was as a result of the utterances of the Montie 3.  Sadly, the NDC leadership thought the guys were doing good things for the NDC.  In fact, some of them thought all Ghanaians were like them.  If they had put their ears to the ground they would have heard Ghanaians asking:  “But why are these nitwits insulting a self-made man like Nana Akufo Addo?”  “What has the man done to deserve such outright insults from boys who could be his grandchildren?”  “So can’t president Mahama call them to order?” etc.  What people did not know was that then President Mahama thought what these goons were doing would inure to his benefit.  That was the biggest mistake he ever made. What broke the camel’s back was when the president used his executive power to get them out of jail.  Today, these three men who are ex-convicts, may be walking the streets of Accra and Mossi Zongo in Kumasi.

What has happened to Mugabe and the other guys should be a lesson to young men who want to enter politics and make the best out of it.  And if people like the Montie ex-convicts want to be in the media, I am story they are not welcome.  Those of us in the inky fraternity do not welcome drug addicts into our fold.  Harry Zakour can keep them under his armpit and pay them until 2020 when they will be released to contribute to yet another defeat of the NDC and Professor Kwesi Botchwey will have another job to do!!!

By Eric Bawah
