Nyantakyi Was Only Doing Mouth-Mouth’!

My lovely wife is an ardent reader of this column. I pray she does not read this piece because it contains stories not meant for her eyes. Yes, confessions of my naughty boy days in Nima.

Growing up in Nima, Kusuntu Line to be precise, we used to argue amongst ourselves as to who was the ‘best striker’ when it came to winning the hearts of beautiful damsels. The competition was very keen as each and every one wanted to be crowned the ‘King of hearts’.

One bloke, Abass, appeared to be the most courageous among us. He confidently approached any damsel that passed-by and subsequently gloated that he had won their hearts. The usual smiles on their faces made us believe his story.

But the cat was let out of the bag when a colleague defied the rules and approached one of his so-called girlfriends. It turned out that Abass only entertained them with his comic stories and nothing else. The usual smiles on their faces were only an appreciation of his comic abilities. We, therefore, gave him the name ‘Abass Mouth-Mouth’.

I used to be the shy type until my colleagues dared me one day to try wooing a beautiful damsel who had come to visit her aunt in our area. Though my heart sprinted like Usain Bolt, I summoned courage and approached her. The girl’s affable nature made things easier for me. I don’t remember what I said or did, but I eventually won her heart. That began the journey that led to the winning of many more hearts.

So, while Abass was engaged in ‘mouth-mouth’, Yours truly was really ‘doing the do’. After enduring much teasing from us, Abass told us to give him a break because his mouth ‘no be gun’.

Abusuapanin, I’m sure you are not oblivious of the Nyantakyi story that hit the airwaves last week. Many were elated to hear he was being investigated by the police on the charge of defrauding by false pretense. Many others danced to the news that he was whisked away by some security personnel immediately he set foot on this land. As I write, he is on a police enquiry bail.

One may ask, “What is his crime?” He is said to have been caught on a yet-to-be published Anas video using the name of the President and his vice to induce some potential investors. It is also reported that Kwesi had made claims that he had both the First and Second Gentlemen in his pocket. But Uncle Kwaku Baako has refuted that claim, saying Kwesi never made any claim of that kind.

Well, whether he did say that or not, I think Kwesi was only bragging. He was only doing ‘mouth-mouth’, as we say in local parlance. I will liken him to my childhood friend Abass. Kwesi was only gloating to prove to the would-be investors that he had access to the corridors of power. I wonder if that is a crime!

I’ve said this before, and would repeat it here. Kwesi was my senior in Wa Secondary School. We did our national service together in 1994 in the Eastern Region. He was then doing his graduate service, while I was doing my sixth-form service. I even campaigned for him when he contested the NASPA President position. I, therefore, have a soft spot for him.

But the bitter truth is that Kwesi has lost the Midas touch. There is no denying the fact that he has paid his dues when it comes to football in this country. But the magic wand can no longer perform any magic.

Yes, I used to support him, but no more. Yes, I want him to leave the stage for other actors to also exhibit their acting prowess. But I doubt if doing ‘mouth-mouth’ is enough reason for us to push him from the FA seat.

How many times haven’t we done ‘mouth-mouth’ in order to woo a girl? How many times haven’t we bragged about non-existent contacts to convince others to do something for us? If Senior Kwesi is guilty, then we are all guilty for engaging in ‘mouth-mouth’.

As for those thinking Senior Kwesi will go without a fight, I advise them to revise their notes. The Kwesi I know is a brave warrior who will fight to the end so all should brace themselves for a strenuous and tortuous fight.

Indeed, Senior Kwesi engaging in ‘mouth-mouth’ may not be enough to make us crucify him. But it has opened the Pandora’s Box, which could lead to his downfall.

The Kwesi-Nyantakyi movie has just begun and it promises to be very interesting. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed and see how things will pan out. I pray it ends with Senior Kwesi only being referred to as ‘Kwesi Mouth-Mouth’.

See you next week for another interesting konkonsa, Deo volente!

