Furnish NSA With Database… Association Heads Told

NSA boss (4thL below) with the Association heads

The Director General of the National Sports Authority (NSA), Professor Peter Twumasi, has tasked heads of the various Associations to provide his outfit with database (Photo Album) of all recognized athletes and officials as soon as practicable.

He pointed out when he met the heads in Accra recently that the database will go a long way to boost the needed public confidence in sports related activities in the country.

The objective of the meeting was to find ways of improving NSA’s working relations with the Associations and to deliberate on issues with regards to sports promotion and development in the country.

The NSA chief also tasked the associations to present their annual reports and financial statements to the Authority as required by the sports Act 2016. He said that will help identify the challenges of the associations and enable the Authority to provide them with the needed assistance at any given time.

“Collaborate with the Authority to organize more local capacity building programmes for athletes and technical handlers, which will ensure better performance at both local and international sporting events,” said Prof. Twumasi.

On the issue of litigations that has bedeviled some of our elite sporting disciplines, he asked the federation heads to furnish the Authority with their amended constitutions to serve as a working document for an arbitration committee to be constituted by the Authority to handle all association litigation issues.

On the other hand, the federation heads also requested the Authority to revisit the issue of tax rebate/exemptions for sponsors of sporting events. They indicated that in the past, corporate sponsors for sports programmes could not redeem their investments through tax relieves, thus making it unattractive for them to do business with the associations.

They asked the Authority to support them with the needed logistics and equipment to enable them reach out to as many people as possible.

